Saturday, May 26, 2012


I've always found hands difficult to draw. The shading was hard on this one because of the position of the hand and I was afraid the crease lines wouldn't turn out right. I think this drawing turned out okay though.

An added challenge was that my bird kept trying to chew on my toes while I was drawing.


  1. Neat!

    I attempted a hand sketch a few weeks (or months??) ago. It turned out okay, but my drawings tend to flirt on the cartoonish side rather than the crisper, neater, reality outlines.

    Anyway, I like it. Nice shapes. Except it almost seems like the palm is a bit proportionally large...or is it just the angle??

    Great job! Keep it up!

    God Bless ya!
    Ka-Plink-a-dink =)

    ...Oh and thank you sooo much for the compliments on my blog(s)! It ment a lot to me (you made me feel all warm and smiley! ^_^).

  2. Wow, Zethra! This is really good!!

    To what you said, Plink, the proportions in the palm of the hand arn't wrong, and yes it is just the angle :) It's funny how something you've looked at many times, and looks normal, ends up looking weirder once you've drawn it. Good job Zethra :)

    - Leauphaun

  3. Thanks both of you!!

    Its at a weird angle but it's hard to tell because my shading wasn't that great on the left side by the thumb.

    And yes, things do look stranger when you've drawn them! Sometimes when I look around I find myself thinking how I would draw everything 3D that I see on a flat piece of paper.
