Saturday, May 26, 2012


I've always found hands difficult to draw. The shading was hard on this one because of the position of the hand and I was afraid the crease lines wouldn't turn out right. I think this drawing turned out okay though.

An added challenge was that my bird kept trying to chew on my toes while I was drawing.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

White Horse

I'm pretty sure this is my best drawing yet. It surprisingly didn't take that long. My favorite part was the shading on the body and two hind legs. I think the chest and head could have been done a little better though.

Galloping Horse

I drew this horse based off a picture i found. My favorite part of this drawing is the way the horse shines. If you're wondering where the back feet are, they are supposed to be obscured in grass, but drawing the grass didn't work out so well.

Candle and Holder

I enjoyed making this drawing. It helped me with drawing curves accurately and drawing symmetrically, which has always been hard for me. I think the outline was nice but the shading was a little messy and not smooth enough in some parts.

Death of Boromir

I've never done a drawing like this, with just a few very dark values, but I think that the dark values with a blank background has a nice effect. This drawing was a little frustrating at first because my reference picture was very small so it was hard to get the dimensions.

Sunset Dock

This drawing is actually my copy of a painting in my house. I did this drawing over several days. My favorite part of this drawing is the water and the reflections of the boats on it.

Witch King

I made this one shortly after that last Nazgul. Since I used graphite on this one and charcoal on the last one, it made realize that I prefer graphite. I liked how the head turned out but the rest turned out a little strange, especially the sleeves and cloak.

Nazgul at Weathertop

This scene is from Lord of the Rings when the Nazgul approach Frodo at Weathertop.

I made this drawing in charcoal so I could get some darker values. It helped me learn shading. Some of the details could have been done better though.